Welcome to our store!

Before Ordering, please read this guide firsly ! Please read this guide firsly ! Please read this guide firsly !

The core processes of ordering can be summarize as 4 parts.

You can also see the Complete introduction below

1.Please check our menu. (You can see the menu by clicking the button on the top of right of the mobile phone screen, or the top of PC Screen.)

Then, you can begin choosing what you love now.

1.1click the menu button

2. Click the product page, you will see a description of product below the product images.

You can see some blue words at here. Click here, the page will turn to the Aliexpress Page.

(Because this store has not the payment function, you have to order this products on Aliexpress, not in our store)

2.1 click the blue words to turn to Aliexpress Link

And then, you can see the product choice, please click the choices and see the words description to order it.

(I am sorry that Aliexpress cannot show the images, so you should use the images of this websites as a reference, if you have any question, please contact us. )

2.2 choose what you want by the description


If you really don’t know the exact process,

You can also remember the product code (for example:VS-ZCS-096), and then search in our Aliexpress Store: Sexy Lingerie Store (Click Here)

But we recommend you use the link in product page, not directly in our store, because some products are not in this store.

3. Complete Payment and wait the shipping.

If you meet any problem, please contact us in Aliexpress Store, don’t contact us at this websites.

We will ship it as the Aliexpress Shipping Policy to ship. Of course, we will use discreet package and describe the toys as normal products to protect customers’ privacy.

Finally, please don’t share this websites with other people so that you can use this websites for a long time. Particularly you cannot show this websites to any Aliexpress Store. We cannot promise the websites can keep a long time if more people know it.

Thank you very much. We will assist you get best products.

Best Wishes,


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